Getting started

Microblx in a nutshell

Building a microblx application typically involves two steps:

Implement the required blocks

define the block API

  • configs: what is (statically) configurable
  • ports: which data flows in and out of the block

and implement the required block hooks

  • For example, init is typically used to initialize, allocate memory and/or validate configuration.
  • the step hook implements the “main” functionality and is executed when the block is triggered.
  • cleanup is to “undo” init (i.e. free resources etc.)

Take a look at a simple threshold checking demo block.


You can examine a block interface using ubx-modinfo, e.g. run $ ubx-modinfo show threshold.

Define the application using a usc file

This involves specifying

  • which block instances to create
  • the configuration of for each block
  • the connections to create between ports
  • the triggering of blocks (i.e. the schedule of when to trigger the step functions of each block)

A small, ready to run usc demo using the threshold block is available here

usc applications can be launched using the ubx-launch tool, as shown in the following example.

Run the threshold example

In this small example, a ramp feeds a sine generator whose output is checked whether it exceeds a threshold. The threshold block outputs the current state (1: above or 0: below) as well as events upon passing the threshold. The events are connected to a mqueue block, where they can be logged using the ubx-mq tool. The actual composition looks as follows

/------\    /-----\    /-----\    /----\
| ramp |--->| sin |--->|thres|--->| mq |
\------/    \-----/    \-----/    \----/
   ^           ^          ^
   .           . #2       .
#1 .           .          .
   .        /------\      . #3
   .........| trig |.......

---> depicts data flow
...> means "triggers"

Before launching, start a ubx logger client in a separate terminal:

$ ubx-log
waiting for rtlog.logshm to appear


The following assumes microblx was installed in the default locations under /usr/local/. If you installed it in a different location you will need to adapt the path.

Then in a new terminal:

$ ubx-launch -loglevel 7 -c /usr/local/share/ubx/examples/usc/threshold.usc
core_prefix: /usr/local
prefixes:    /usr, /usr/local

We increase the loglevel to 7 (DEBUG) so that debug messages will be visible. In the log window you should now see “threshold passed” messages.

As the events output by the thres block are made available via a mqueue, these can easily be dumped to stdout using ubx-mq:

$ ubx-mq read threshold_events -p threshold

To stop the application again, just type Ctrl-c in the ubx-lauch window.

Run the PID controller block

This more complex example demonstrates how multiple, modular usc files can be composed into an application and how configuration can be overlayed. The use-case is a robot controller composition which shall be used in a test mode (extra mqueue ouputs, no real-time priorities) and in regular mode (real-time priorities, no debug outputs).

Before launching, run ubx-log as above to see potential errors.


$ cd /usr/local/share/ubx/examples/usc/pid/
$ ubx-launch -webif -c pid_test.usc,ptrig_nrt.usc
merging ptrig_nrt.usc into pid_test.usc
core_prefix: /usr/local
prefixes:    /usr, /usr/local
starting up webinterface block (http://localhost:8888)
loaded request_handler()

The ubx-log window will show a number messages from the instantiation of the application. The last lines will be about the blocks that were started.

Use the webif block

The cmdline arg -webif instructed ubx-launch to create a web interface block. This block is useful for debugging and introspecting the application. Browser to http://localhost:8888 and explore:

  1. clicking on the node graph will show the connections
  2. clicking on blocks will show their interface
  3. start the file_log1 block to enable logging
  4. start the ptrig1 block to start the system.

Examining data-flow

The pid_test.usc creates several mqueue blocks in order to export internal signals for debugging. They can be accessed using the ubx-mq tool:

$ ubx-mq list
243b40de92698defa93a145ace0616d2  1    trig_1-tstats
e8cd7da078a86726031ad64f35f5a6c0  10   ramp_des-out
e8cd7da078a86726031ad64f35f5a6c0  10   ramp_msr-out
e8cd7da078a86726031ad64f35f5a6c0  10   controller_pid-out

For example to print the controller_pid-out signal:

ubx-mq  read controller_pid-out

Important concepts

The following concepts are important to know:

  • modules are shared libraries that contain blocks or custom types and are loaded when the application is launched.
  • a node is a run-time container into which modules are loaded and which keeps track of blocks etc.
  • types: microblx essentially uses the C type system (primitive types, structs and arrays of both) for configs and data sent via ports. To be supported by tools (that is in usc files or by tools like ubx-mq), custom types must be registered with microblx. The stdtypes module contains a large number of common types like int, double, stdints (int32_t) or time handling ubx_tstat.
  • cblocks vs iblocks: there are two types of blocks: cblocks (computation blocks) are the “regular” functional blocks with a step hooks. In contrast iblocks (interaction blocks) are used to implement communication between blocks and implement read and write hooks. For most applications the available iblocks are sufficient, but sometimes creating a custom one can be useful.
  • triggers: triggers are really just cblocks with a configuration for specifying a schedule and other properties such as period, thread priority, etc. ptrig is the most commonly used trigger which implements a periodic, POSIX pthread based trigger. Sometimes it is useful to implement custom triggers that trigger based on external events. The trig_utils functions (see ./libubx/trig_utils.h) make this straightforward.
  • dynamic block interface: sometimes the type or length of the port data is not static but depends on configuration values themselves. This is almost always the case for iblocks